Assessing Gender Inclusive User Preferences: A Case of Urban Public Spaces in Chandigarh

Co-Authors : Prateek Dhasmana, Kanika Bansal

This study highlights the importance of gender inclusiveness in urban public spaces and identifies the parameters that impact user preference based on gender in Chandigarh, India. Through qualitative research methodology, the study validates four constructs – comfort, image, usage, and vitality – to analyze user preferences. The findings suggest that female users prioritize comfort due to safety concerns, while male users prefer spaces that offer entertainment and activities. The identified parameters can help planners and designers create more gender-inclusive public spaces, boosting recreation levels for a wider range of people.

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This study highlights the importance of gender inclusiveness in urban public spaces and identifies the parameters that impact user preference based on gender in Chandigarh, India. Through qualitative research methodology, the study validates four constructs – comfort, image, usage, and vitality – to analyze user preferences.

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