Category: Urbanism
Assessing Gender Inclusive User Preferences: A Case of Urban Public Spaces in Chandigarh
by Mehar
This study highlights the importance of gender inclusiveness in urban public spaces and identifies the parameters that impact user preference based on gender in Chandigarh, India. Through qualitative research methodology, the study validates four constructs – comfort, image, usage, and vitality – to analyze user preferences.
Read MoreMainstreaming Urban Design for Quintessential Contemporary Metamorphosis of Indian Urbanscapes
by Mehar
The literary piece presents a critical overview of the Urban Design discipline in India through examples from ongoing urban design processes and development trends in the country. It further argues the need for mainstreaming Urban Design tools for holistic and sensitive development of cities, and for effectively transforming the future of Indian urban life.
Read MoreUrban Nudges: Veering Human Behaviour for Optimized Cities
by Mehar
The core assumption of classical economics is that humans make decisions based on logic. However, this notion was challenged and proved wrong by the pioneering works of social scientists – Kahneman and Traversky in the 1970s which established, through extensive research, that humans are in fact highly irrational decision-makers…
Read MoreA-Z Urban Design Glossary – An Edition of The Eclipsed Terms
by Mehar
Urban Design is a hybrid discipline with its main principles fundamentally rooted in public and socio-economic welfare through an appropriate physical design of the environment. Given some pondering on the terminological spectrum of urban design, while terms like public realm, walkability, activity node, and legibility steal the limelight more frequently, it verily comprises a multitude of additional words and expressions that remain relatively obscure…
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